For U.S. Universities

Learn how EducationUSA can help HEI’s in the U.S.

EducationUSA helps U.S. higher education professionals connect with international students and engage with the U.S. government as well as foreign institutions and governments.

As you make travel arrangements, you can reach out to one of our +40 EducationUSA Advising Centers in the cities you will visit and and arrange to:

Meet with advisors

Advisors are experts on the ground. They can help you with information on a variety of topics ranging from holidays and travel dates, to school visit itinerary suggestions to maximize your time.

Offer an information session to students

EducationUSA Centers often organize information sessions for U.S. universities, inviting students to participate. These sessions may be online or in person, depending on the time of the year.

Request contact information for high schools and universities

Each advising center has a list of school and university contacts you may request, depending on the goals of your visit.

Consult on travel dates/itinerary suggestions

Feel free to contact advisers with questions on travel dates (Brazil has many National and local holidays), and any logistical issue.

Please reach out well in advance for support. EducationUSA Advising Centers in all major cities participate in a number of fairs and outreach activities, and have many visits from U.S. universities, so be sure to contact them and schedule in advance. You can find contact information for all advising centers in Brazil here.

You can also reach out to:

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